
Programmatically Fetch with events

Remember how I said earlier its just fetch? Well there are 3 additional options that can be added to mrujs.fetch() to allow you to dispatch fetch through the event chain.


window.mrujs.fetch("/url", {
  element: HTMLElement (defaults to document.documentElement),
  dispatchEvents: boolean (defaults to false),
  submitter: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | undefined (button or input[type="submit"]),

Using the Request object:

const request = new Request("/url")
window.mrujs.fetch(request, { dispatchEvents: true })


dispatchEvents is fairly self explanatory :)

The element is the element submitting the event (usually a form)

The submitter is the element that triggers the submit event (usually an <input type="submit">)

Supplying your own FormData

To pass in your own FormData and use it as the body of the fetch request there are a couple steps to take. If your FetchRequest is a GET request, make sure to serialize it first with window.mrujs.urlEncodeFormData(formData)

You should generally serialize any data you would send in a form this way. However, there are other ways to send FormData. When sending the FormData, the Content-Type header will be automatically set for you based on the body passed in.

Here is a video explaining this concept: https://youtu.be/G9PpImUEeUA?t=62

Between 1:00 - 2:15 should give you most of the info you need.

In a nutshell, if youre sending regular data, use urlEncodeFormData to wrap your FormData for best performance and reduced payload size (urlEncodeFormData returns an instance of URLSearchParams). If you’re sending form data with File instances, use FormData. If you’re sending single files, use a Blob, and so on and so forth.

Example using encoded FormData

const formData = new FormData()
formData.append("param1", "value1")

window.mrujs.fetch("/url", {
  body: window.mrujs.urlEncodeFormData(formData)
}).then(() => {}).catch((err) => console.error(error))

Example using regular FormData

const formData = new FormData()
formData.append("param1", "value1")

window.mrujs.fetch("/url", {
  body: formData
}).then(() => {}).catch((err) => console.error(error))

Example using JSON

const json = JSON.stringify({ param1: "value1" })

window.mrujs.fetch("/url", {
  headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
  body: json
}).then(() => {}).catch((err) => console.error(error))